Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Good things come to those who...

Two good things came out of my whining yesterday.

Firstly, my lack of internet access and subsequent rant was observed by a very lovely school friend of mine who contacted me telling me she shared my desperation and also sought solace in Skype and we had a rather lovely Skype chat yesterday afternoon about how rubbish our days were.

Secondly, my bruised and battered body may be keeping me from running this lunchtime (I'm not that much of an exercise sadist) but it has inspired me to start doing pilates with the lovely Ms B (the very same that features regularly in Yorkshire Lass's posts) and Yorkshire Lass herself (although she may not know this if she hasn't read her email yet).

It is very comforting to know that there are people out there who are willing to share physical pain in the form of group exercise to a DVD of a rather annoying woman in a leotard and untamed fringe who unsubtly tries to get you to drink Volvic all the way through the 45 minutes of bizarre stretching rituals.

It is also comforting to know there are people who are as frustrated as me at their desks, scattered throughout London (my lovely school friend has become a master at solitaire, while I have developed the art of filing my email and sorting through my folders under the guise of work).

I also have a confession to make. I didn't eat my soup last night. I'd forgotten I had bought, on a whim, Heinz beans instead of my usual Sainsburys variety and when I opened the cupboard and stared, with a heavy heart, at my tin of watery condemnation there really wasn't any contest. Beans on toast it was.

My diet will start tomorrow.


Blogger Fiona said...

You're not winning me over with the description of your video.

I have Ashtanga (I think) yoga vid at home which I can bring but the woman is equally annoying.

11:48 am  
Blogger thewebstress said...

Damn it I was hoping you weren't going to read that before we did it. I have Billy Blanks Tae Bo on video but it is currently stuck in the video player and I can't get it out and it won't play either. I think that's trying to tell me something.

12:34 pm  

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