Thursday, March 23, 2006

How to disappoint the entire adult population in one blog

Yesterday, after reading a fact book of his father's, my boyfriend's 7 year old cousin announced to his mother 'what's an organism?'

She read the entry. It wasn't organism.

Buried amidst day-to-day facts that weren't about to make anyone blush and were perfectly suitable for the eager eyes of an information-hungry child, was a description of the word 'orgasm'.

While, apparently, you're not supposed to tell your children untruths about sex education, starting with a description of an orgasm without any 'background information' may prove a little tricky. I pity my children (if I ever have them), the unlucky sprogs are likely to be bullied repeatedly throughout their school lives for spouting out wildly inaccurate facts and nonsensical whitterings, attributing them to 'mummy says...'.

But what was most disturbing was the description attributed to the word.

Apparently according to this 'fact' book, this 'orgasm' thing is supposed to last 30 minutes.


Blogger Fiona said...

Rest assured that your sprogs will not grow up to believe that "bed end" is the worst swear word and still feel a pang of guilt when saying it, and that for their formative years, they won't think a rock is a real life pet.

Oh yes there is a reason why Irish Jamie is the well turned out person he has become today.

4:21 pm  

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