Friday, March 31, 2006

That Friday Feeling

I was having a rubbish day.

My day has yet to improve in the area of client related activities but I have accomplished a few significant tasks namely:

- I have made it til 12 (trust me, it wasn't looking likely at around 9am);

- I have discovered that I am most like Superman in 'Which Superhero are you?' (I sadly rank poorly as Catwoman, merely 40% like the lycra clad role model, but then I never did look good in a catsuit, as I have regularly documented in this blog);

I was going to try and create a more substantial list but it looks sadly like that's about my limit of personal achievement so far today.

But what improved my day, what dragged it from the lost depths of disappointment and depression?

I won't detail what tunes, as I have been delving into the far reaches of my eclectic mix of mp3s in search of melodic enlightenment and they frankly haven't been the most intelligent musical accomplishments (I haven't had Bruce Springsteen on yet, but I'm sure it won't be too long).

But they make me smile.

And bounce in my seat (which probably looks like I have a bladder problem, or that I have drunk too much tea, which would most likely instigate a bladder problem, and which would probably be true, but the bouncing has its roots in the tunes).

And attempt to mouth the words (which I am sure I am getting consistently wrong but its only me who is privy to my lyrical mistakes as I have my headphones on).

When a track ends, I am abruptly faced with the OfficeNoise(TM) once again and the feeling of WebTerror floods over me swiftly, but with a careful piece of iTunes wizardry (called 'finding a new track'), I manage to immerse myself quickly once more (if I had been at all technical, I might have even created a playlist, but lets not get carried away here).

Its like falling back asleep to a beautiful dream.


Blogger thewebstress said...

Yeah, don't worry, I'm well aware of it!

Thanks, Overnight Editor, I really appreciate your comments. Watch this space and I'll do my best to regurgitate some emotion... :-)

8:35 am  

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